There are a number of swimming squads available which cater to a wide range of abilities and interests.

Squad placement of swimmers is at the discretion of coaches and is based on a number of factors including: 

  • Age and physiological development of swimmers
  • Technical ability of swimmer
  • Swimmer’s ability to cope with required volume and intensity of training
  • Swimmers attitude towards training, coaching staff, the club and other swimmers.

In order to transition up a position in a particular squad, a swimmer needs to meet all criteria.


Swimmers who are under 7 years old.

They are able to complete 25m of freestyle and backstroke and have an interest in swimming.


Swimmers must be able to demonstrate the ability to swim:

  • 50m Freestyle
  • 50m Backstroke
  • 50m Breaststroke

Swimmers will be observed for:

  • Balance and easy breathing ability
  • Correct basic technique in each of the three strokes
  • Swimmers may also be asked to demonstrate 4 strokes of butterfly; however this is not a requirement for this squad at the entry stage.


Swimmers must be able to demonstrate:

  • 100m of proficient freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke.
  • 50m of basic butterfly.
  • basic diving skills and under water work.
  • 100m kick in 3 minutes or less
  • Correct turning skills for all four strokes.
  • Concentration throughout each training session.
  • Correct use of the pace clock (30 and 60 sec intervals)
  • Participation in club activities such as time trials


Swimmers must be able to demonstrate:

  • 400m Freestyle in 9 minutes or less
  • 3 x 100m Backstroke on a 2:30minutes
  • 4 x 100m Kick on 3:00minutes
  • Complete 50m in all strokes with skill at a competition standard
  • Demonstration of correct turning and off the wall skills for all four strokes
  • correct use of pace clock (15, 30, 45 and 60 sec intervals)
  • ability to work in a group environment and having shown a determination to improve times and skills
  • Participation in club activities such as time trials and targeted meets.


Swimmers must be able to demonstrate:

  • 2 x 400m Freestyle in  minutes or less swum on a 9 minute interval
  • 4 x 100m Backstroke on 2:10 interval
  • 2 x 200m kick on 5 min interval- choice of kick but must be the same throughout
  • Complete a strong 50m butterfly, breathing every second stroke and 200m breaststroke evenly paced with skills retained at a competition standard throughout the swim
  • Working to State Qualifying Times
  • Demonstration of self-discipline towards stretching, training attendance and equipment
  • Demonstrate record keeping ability – i.e. log book
  • Participation in Club activities such as time trials and targeted meets
  • Parents to be actively supporting swimmer/s in meeting competition needs – training – club and social activities

If you think your child is eligible for the next squad, please feel free to discuss it with their current Coach.